Paul McGinniss Named As Green Advocate For New York House Magazine

Paul McGinniss Named As Green Advocate For New York House Magazine
Click On Our Green Future To Read Paul's Monthly Columns in New York House

Check Out McGinniss' Writings About New York City On HGTV's

Below is an excerpt (Click on link above to see entire NYC section which Paul wrote)

Best Places to Buy Groceries in NYC

Regional Farmers Markets Throughout The City
One of the most enjoyable ways to buy groceries is at a NYC green market. You can get everything from fish to fowl, artisan cheeses, fresh baked bread and the freshest produce. What began with 12 farmers in an empty parking lot in 1976 now includes almost 50 green markets spread out in every borough. The program has grown into the largest network of its kind in the country. What's cool about shopping at a green market is that it promotes regional agriculture, supports local farmers and preserves farmland for the future by providing regional, small family farmers with opportunities to sell their fruits, vegetables and other farm products directly to New Yorkers.

Check Out New York House Magazine's Best in Green Building Competition

I have been proud to have be part of New York House magazine's "Best in Green Building Competition." New York House is an inspiration when it comes to spreading the gospel of green homes, building, real estate and the goal of sustainable net zero energy living.

Check out the entries to the Best in Green Building Competition 08

See the innovative & inspiring homes submitted!

Also check out the New York House article on about the finalists in the competition.

Mohonk Mountain House, a 137-year old Victorian castle resort with an eco-friendly Spa wing, was proud to offer the winner of the Best in Green Building Competition a weekend retreat.

THE MOLD INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: Click on Link Below To Read September 2008 Article by Paul

The Mold Industrial Complex

Are we being sold a bill of goods on mold? There’s gold in mold. At least if you are in the home inspection, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), or mold-remediation business. Just in the past few years, thousands upon thousands of...
The Late Night Version of Paul. (Or was that too early morning?)Click on image above to go to "secret" web site

The EcoBroker Article. McGinniss Recognized as First EcoBroker in Hudson Valley/Catskills Region

Paul McGinniss is a Realtor in the area who has received the designation from EcoBroker International, based in Evergreen, Colo.

"The idea behind ecobrokerage, for me, is introducing, into the equation of a real estate transaction thought about the environmental impact of what you're doing," McGinniss said.

The EcoBroker course teaches "how for us to be brokers who are conduits of information and referrals to professional people who know how to do green things," McGinniss said. "It's developing an entire vocabulary and network so we can inform people."

Educating the community is important to McGinniss. He also teaches a class on green building at Ulster County Community College's Kingston-area campus and writes about green building issues for specialty publications.

He said he has seen increasing awareness and educational levels in his audiences; people want more specific information and details, whereas a few years ago, they needed introductions only to general concepts.

McGinniss sees his profession as having a central position in the real estate process.

"Real estate people are underappreciated. We can be really important in the greening of our society. We're involved in so many business transactions. We talk to everyone: architects, builders, engineers, brokers … the whole chain of it," he said."

From Poughkeepsie Journal March 2008

Paul Quoted in the news

NOT THINKING GREEN. Long Islanders building new homes aren't thinking green despite the increased affordability of energy-efficient options, says Kingston, N.Y.-based broker Paul McGinniss of the New York Real Estate Group. "There's just no financial excuse," he says. "If you can spend $25,000 for kitchen cabinets, you can afford some solar."And environmentally friendly add-ons to new homes aren't just for the super-rich. Almost any new house can incorporate at least minor energy-saving components, he says, but developers, builders, architects and homeowners rarely discuss the options.

Newsday January 2007

"There are people who believe that we're just latching on to some marketing tool," said Paul McGinniss, a certified ecobroker from Accord. "I don't think any of the ecobrokers in New York state are doing it to make money, because first of all, there aren't even enough of these homes for sale."

Times Herald Record April 2008

"Best in Green Building," a competition sponsored by New York House magazine, is accepting entries for homes built in the Hudson Valley using "green" principles of working with the environment, seeking energy efficiency and sustainability.
"This is the first region-wide competition to find the most green and sustainable home that was built in the entire Hudson Valley and Catskill Region," spokesman Paul McGinniss said.

Poughkeepsie Journal December 2006

If you’re looking to buy a new home and interested in green homes, then a Green Real Estate Broker is the route to go. Paul McGinniss, an advocate of green and sustainable real-estate development, is a Certified Green EcoBroker and partner at the New York Real Estate Group, focusing on real estate in New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley-Catskills region.

Green Brokering is a new concept, and applies to both residential and commercial real estate. “It begins with a green consciousness that can be brought to any field. A Green Real Estate Broker is aware of the issues and impact on the environment,” says McGinniss, who teaches a class called “Green Home Building and Renovation,” at SUNY Ulster.

McGinniss, who’s becoming LEED accredited, encourages asking questions of your broker. “Find out how familiar they are with green professionals,” he suggests. And ask if they are familiar with specific rebates and subsidies, energy-efficient mortgages, NYSERDA (NYS Energy Research Development Authority), the Energy Star program, and the Home Energy Rating System (HERS). “Don’t wait for your broker, architect, or builder to tell you what you want to know. Get motivated, be proactive, be educated, and inform yourself,” advises McGinniss, a USGBC member.

He highly recommends having a professional “home audit” (which should run $400 to $800) before purchasing a home, explaining there is a reimbursement for this fee, and you will qualify for other rebates if you make any home improvements recommended by a HERS Rater. Contact the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) for assistance in locating a certified Rater in your area.

Although there isn’t much data available on Green Brokers, McGinniss claims there shouldn’t be any additional costs when choosing a green professional. “This green revolution we’re going through is as significant as the combined advancement in science, technology, and medicine that our society has undergone in the last century,” he concludes.

Canvas February 2008

Paul McGinniss Interviews Craig Newmark of Craigs List About Green Real Estate

As Reported by Rudy Bachraty of Sellsius Real Estate at the 2008 Inman Real Estate Connect Conference in NYC

So What was Missing from the 2008 Inman NYC Real Estate Connect?

….Green building and Sustainable living panels and vendors. Maybe we’ll see more in SF.

In the famed hallways at the Connect, I had a wonderful conversation about the future of Green Building and Sustainable Living with my friend Paul McGinniss. Paul writes for a number green publications including the popular GreenBuildingsNYC blog. He conducted an in-depth interview with Mr. Craig Newmark of Craigslist and got his unique insight about green initiatives.

Well Done Paul!

To read Paul's Interview in it’s entirety
please go to

Paul With Craig Newmark

Paul With Craig Newmark